John “Lucky” Luckadoo, a former pilot who served with the 100th Bomb Group, who is thought to be the last surviving pilot of the original group, recently made a speech at a…
Museum News
Capt. John Luckadoo, 101, visited Halesworth Airfield Museum in Suffolk and RAF Thorpe Abbots in Norfolk during the month of October as part of an Educational Tour with the National Museum of…
Only a few miles from where the Eighth was activated in Savannah, the dream of a WWII veteran was realized with the Mighty Eighth Heritage Center; today’s National Museum of the Mighty…
Readers told Pooler Magazine the places, people and things they love in the greater Pooler area, and we’re so proud to share they voted the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air…
Buddy Carter tends to home front with votes on defense bill, maternal health
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